This endpoint allows you to get information about all Investors in your Organization.
"id": c14c8439-e530-43b3-9a25-b62842aa53d4,
"name": "ABC Co",
"investorTypeId": 87ca706c-dd13-4997-b236-a2632ffb65ab,
"investorTypeName": "Legal Entity",
"investorTypeKycCategory": "Legal Entity",
"bankAccounts": [
"id": b8229d06-008d-4881-8732-0dd72901c34e,
"iban": "123123123213123123123334",
"beneficiaryName": "John Doe",
"beneficiaryAddress", "123 State Street Chicago IL",
"swift": "SABRRUMM",
"isPrimary": true
"ubos": [
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"countryOfResidence": "USA",
"taxNumber": "12345",
"passports": [],
"utilityBills": [],
"sourceOfWealthProofs": []
"directors": [],
"kycCompanies": []
This endpoint allows you to get information about a particular Investor.
"id": c14c8439-e530-43b3-9a25-b62842aa53d4,
"name": "ABC Co",
"investorTypeId": 87ca706c-dd13-4997-b236-a2632ffb65ab,
"investorTypeName": "Legal Entity",
"investorTypeKycCategory": "Legal Entity",
"bankAccounts": [
"id": b8229d06-008d-4881-8732-0dd72901c34e,
"iban": "123123123213123123123334",
"beneficiaryName": "John Doe",
"beneficiaryAddress", "123 State Street Chicago IL",
"swift": "SABRRUMM",
"isPrimary": true
"ubos": [
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe",
"email": "",
"countryOfResidence": "USA",
"taxNumber": "12345",
"passports": [],
"utilityBills": [],
"sourceOfWealthProofs": []
"directors": [],
"kycCompanies": []
"timestamp": "2019-12-02T11:20:17.201+0000",
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "Investor not found",
"path": "/investor/564745a1-4964-420b-8c32-617737169050"